martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Science Fair en Ejea de los Caballeros

Nos escriben desde el CEIP Cervantes (Ejea de los Caballeros) contándonos cómo fue su propia Science Fair. El proyecto ganador, representará al colegio en la fase provincial de Zaragoza. 


Last Wednesday 30th April, we celebrated a science fair in our school to select the project that will represent us in CEIP Labordeta on  16th May. 

It was a wonderful experience for both students and teachers, as all pupils involved in the fair shared with us the projects they have been developing. The quality of the work was outstanding in all five projects, and we all feel very proud of all the effort and commitment our pupils have put in their work. Pupils and teachers voted to choose the project that we take to Zaragoza. 

We hope we can continue with this experience in the following years as this has been proved to be very successful and entertaining. 

Ana Marín and Marta Izuel
CEIP Cervantes 

Ejea de los Caballeros

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